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Combined Water & Food Harmonizer

  • Water & Food Harmonizer front
  • Water & Food Harmonizer, back
  • W&F Harmonizer application 1
  • W&F Harmonizer application 2
  • W&F Harmonizer application 3
  • W&F Harmonizer application 4
  • blood cells without (left) and with (right) W&F Harmonizer
  • Image 8
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Product Description

The Water & Food Harmonizer allows us to easily raise the vibrations and energetic vitality of everything we eat and drink while neutralizing any detrimental frequency information from toxins, drugs, food additives and other chemicals. Extremely beneficial for bottled water! The Harmonizer also counteracts EMF related stress from microwaves and wireless devices and reverses residual negative imprints from food mass production.

The Water & Food Harmonizer has the size of a business card and can be easily carried in a wallet or hand bag.

Application is simple, just slide it under a plate or drinking cup for 1 - 2 minutes each time. Two 24 carat gold chips carry the imprinted information.

In short, this new informational technology effectively alters the energetic qualities of food to optimal levels of vitality and nourishment. Our anecdotal feedback is a pleasing range of higher energy levels, less fatigue, fewer reports of mood swings, hyperactivity or malaise after eating.

Now with the latest V.7 technology!


Background: Modern Nutrition and Vital Energy

While not yet widely acknowledged by the mainstream scientific community, the energetic aspects of food have been an integral part of Eastern traditions and are now easily demonstrated by modern scientific instrumentation.

Today there are several ways to measure the vitality (life force or “chi”) of food. Live blood microscopy is one of the simplest and least expensive. Live blood microscopy reveals within seconds how the human body responds to the energetic aspects of food.

Through the microscope, we plainly see how unhealthy, toxic or highly acidic foods have an immediate negative impact on blood viscosity and behavior of blood cells. Just as exciting, we can witness the equally dramatic impact of “high energy” foods. Since all new cells are made from healthy blood cells, human functioning depends on the quality of our blood. Unavoidably the conclusion is that a significant part of nutrition relates to energy uptake and not merely to digestive processes.



These examples of red blood cells were taken after consuming a few sips of (organic!) coffee, first (on the left) without any treatment, then (on the right) after setting the coffee cup on the Water & Food Harmonzier for about 2 minutes. As you can see, the blood cells are not sticking together in packs any longer which means they move easier through small vessels (reducing blood pressure) and transport oxygen faster to the brain (increasing alertness and energy for the brain).

Imagine what the blood looks like after a typical $1 cup of junk coffee which most people consume to start their day with...


Summary of benefits:


  • Energizing and restructuring of drinking water: especially important for bottled water, even more for distilled water and osmosis water.


  • Effective on drinks and on all solid foods: Use on groceries or prepared food in a restaurant. Apply the Harmonizer with a grocery bag full of products before unpacking or just slip it under a plate or a drink for a minute or two before consummation.


  • Easy to use, portable and discreet: Keep in your wallet or hand bag and use whenever you are out. Simply place beneath any food plate or beverage item for 1 – 2 minutes.


  • Counteracting the effects of microwaves: The W&F Harmonizer offsets the energetic impact on food prepared in a microwave, but also on water stored or carried next to your cellphone or tablet.


  • Reducing the vibrational damage from coffee and even alcohol as seen with live-blood microscopy. (Please always drink responsibly! NEVER drink and drive!)


  • Harmonizing animal products such as meat:  The Harmonizer neutralizes the residual emotional imprints in meat due to mistreatment of animals associated with mass production in large-scale livestock farming facilities.


  • Permanent use: The Harmonizer can be left inside the fridge or pantry to boost the vibrational level of all stored food. 


How to use

  • Place the W&F Harmonizer on a table near or below the items you wish to treat.
  • Put it under a pitcher of water or a single glass for a few minutes. The thinner the glass bottom, the faster it works. DO NOT emerge it in water or put it inside a water container!
  • Set it on your kitchen counter under your entire grocery bag for a few minutes before you put the groceries away.
  • Place the Harmonizer under your food plate in restaurants for 2 - 3 minutes.
  • Keep the Harmonizer in the fridge or in a kitchen cabinet to maintain higher vital frequencies for your food.  
  • Use dowsing or any form of energy testing to determine more accurate clearing times. If you have not tried out Bodydowsing as a method for energy testing yet please look up details on our websites.
  • It does not matter which side of the W&F Harmonizer is facing food.



  • Be careful with expensive wines or other alcoholic beverages if you wish to keep a specific bouquet. By reducing the toxic effect of alcohol and re-vitalizing other components in the wine you will likely experience a change in the taste.   


Product size is about 2 x 3 inches, made with Super-flat Technology with two 24 carat gold chips. 


If you are looking for even faster and more powerful tools to change the energetic pattern of water and food, visit www.BioResonanceLaser.com for information on the laser products.


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